December 27, 2018
1 min read

Top 5 refractive stories of 2018

In 2018, articles regarding refractive surgery included FDA approvals, study results and live meeting coverage.

Here are the top five most-read refractive articles of the past year on


Near VA improves with topical presbyopia treatment

The PRX ophthalmic solution from Presbyopia Therapies LLC demonstrated a statistically significant three line or greater improvement in monocular distance corrected near visual acuity in a phase 2b trial, meeting primary efficacy and safety endpoints. Read more.


FDA approves ReLEx SMILE for myopia with astigmatism

The procedure, which is performed with the VisuMax femtosecond laser, may be potentially less disruptive to corneal surface tissue due to a small entry incision. Read more.


At Issue: Ensuring LASIK success and minimizing complications

Earlier this summer, LASIK was the topic of a New York Times article in which patients described negative side effects and complications after the procedure, including dry eye, aberrations, blurred vision and burning. Read more.


FDA approves STAAR's Visian Toric ICL for myopia with astigmatism

STAAR Surgical’s Visian Toric Implantable Collamer Lens was approved by the FDA for the correction of myopia with astigmatism. Read more.


Transepithelial PRK corrects long-term effects of radial keratotomy

Transepithelial PRK with application of mitomycin C can treat refractive instability after radial keratotomy, according to a study. Read more.