Read OSN’s Dec. 10 publication exclusives online
The Dec. 10 issue of Ocular Surgery News had a focus on the popularity of trifocal IOLs in Europe.
Read five of the issue’s publication exclusives here:
Cover Story
Trifocal IOLs rank high in European surgeons ’ preferences
According to many users, physicians and patients, the combination of distance, intermediate and near vision gives crisp image quality with only a small price to pay in terms of optic phenomena. Not yet available in the U.S., they have been used in Europe for several years. Read more.
Lindstrom’s Perspective
Lens replacement surgery poised to become most successful refractive procedure
If one travels outside the United States to a meeting of refractive cataract surgeons, it quickly becomes clear that trifocal diffractive/refractive optic IOLs are far more popular than the bifocal diffractive/refractive optic IOLs we currently have available here. Read more.
Complications Consult
Jacob paper clip capsule stabilizer can help manage subluxated cataracts
Subluxated cataracts are managed depending on the degree of zonular dialysis. For a subluxation of up to one quadrant, a capsular tension ring may be used. However, for larger subluxations, some form of scleral fixation is necessary to avoid a decentered or subluxated bag in the postoperative period. Read more.
By the Numbers
Finding your authentic self is at the core of practice success
Knowing who you really are will help you set your life goals, which ultimately drive professional goals. Read more.
Challenges in Ophthalmology with April Steinert
Female health care workers in Nepal on front lines of fighting corneal blindness
Marsha Link’s women’s advocate trip to Nepal shows the value of SightLife’s blindness prevention program. Read more.