June 27, 2018
1 min read

Kamra inlay improves near monocular and binocular vison

The Kamra small-aperture intracorneal inlay improved near vision both monocularly and binocularly in patients with emmetropic presbyopia, according to a study.

The prospective clinical trial included 507 patients with emmetropic presbyopia who underwent intracorneal implantation of the inlay in their nondominant eye. Visual acuity, safety and effectiveness of the Kamra inlay (CorneaGen) were evaluated, with final follow-up at 36 months.

“Kamra inlay has been shown to maintain its safety and effectiveness 3 years after implantation. Patients benefit from improved near vision without compromising their distance vision,” Ling Lin, PhD, a co-author of the study, told Healio.com/OSN.

At 36 months, 417 patients were still in the study and had 3.5 D of defocus range above 20/40 in the implanted eyes; 391 patients (93.8%) had 20/40 or better binocular uncorrected near visual acuity and 363 patients (87.1%) had 20/40 or better monocular uncorrected near visual acuity.

“Patient satisfaction and outcomes are even more improved when the Kamra inlay is implanted into a corneal lamellar pocket created with a femtosecond laser using a 6 µm by 6 µm or tighter spot/line setting and at a depth of 40% or more of the total corneal thickness,” Lin said.

Halos and severe glare were reported by less than 1% of patients.

Disclosures: Vukich reports he is a consultant to and on the advisory board of AcuFocus. Please see the study for all other authors’ relevant financial disclosures.