April 20, 2018
1 min read

Kamra inlay improves visual acuity in previous LASIK patients

WASHINGTON — Patients who received a Kamra inlay for presbyopia correction after previous refractive surgery were happy with the outcomes, according to a speaker here.

A retrospective chart review of 108 patients who had previously undergone refractive surgery and later received the inlay evaluated results for 2 years after surgery, Shamik Bafna, MD, said at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery meeting. In March, SightLife Surgical, now CorneaGen, agreed to acquire the Kamra inlay from AcuFocus.

Uncorrected near visual acuity improved by about four lines in the first month postoperatively, while uncorrected distance vision improved about one line.

“Both of these indices continued to incrementally improve over the subsequent 2 years,” Bafna said.

Uncorrected near vision in the eye that received the inlay was 20/40 or better for 95% of patients after the first month and stayed stable through 2 years. About 60% of eyes had 20/25 or better in month 1 and gradually improved to 70% of eyes at 2 years, he said.

Distance visual acuity of 20/40 or better was observed in 75% of patients and improved to about 90% of patients at the 2-year mark, while uncorrected visual acuity of 20/25 or better was observed in about 35% of patients after the first month and improved to about 70% after 2 years.

“A Kamra inlay is an effective method to correct near and distance vision in prior LASIK patients, and overall the important thing is subjectively patients are extremely happy with their outcomes,” Bafna said. – by Rebecca L. Forand



Bafna S. Presbyopia correction after small aperture corneal inlay implantation after previous LASIK. Presented at: American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery annual meeting; April 13-17, 2018; Washington.


Disclosure: Bafna reports he is a consultant for AcuFocus and has financial relationships with Alcon, Beaver-Visitec International, Carl Zeiss Meditec, CXL Ophthalmics, CXL USA, Imprimis, Ocular Therapeutix, Presbia, ReVision Optics, RxSight and Shire.