RxSight's Light Adjustable Lens approval tops 2017 cataract surgery news
Developments in cataract surgery in 2017 included FDA approvals and warnings, as well as new clinical studies evaluating different surgery techniques.
Here are the top 10 most-read cataract surgery articles on Healio.com/OSN this year:
1. FDA approves Light Adjustable Lens from RxSight
This is the first medical device system that can make adjustments to the lens power after cataract surgery to correct refractive errors. Read more.
2. Meta-analysis finds better profile for femtosecond cataract surgery compared with conventional cataract surgery
A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies comparing conventional and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery showed similarly good results but an overall superior profile for the femtosecond procedure. Read more.
3. Strategies for enhancing outcomes in cataract surgery for glaucoma
While the advent of microinvasive glaucoma surgery, performed in conjunction with cataract surgery, opens up new avenues for controlling IOP, conventional lens extraction itself provides a useful tool that should be considered within the expanding range of treatment options for the glaucoma patient. Read more.
4. FDA receives reports of serious adverse events after triamcinolone, moxifloxacin compound injections
The FDA is warning clinicians about serious adverse events reported after intravitreal injections of triamcinolone and moxifloxacin compounded by Guardian Pharmacy Services in Dallas. Read more.
5. Prompt identification of corneal edema after cataract surgery needed for quick recovery
Causes of corneal edema after cataract surgery are varied and must be identified and eliminated quickly, according to a speaker at the Hawaiian Eye meeting. Read more.
6. FEMCAT study shows equal outcomes, suc cess rates, complications for femto surgery and standard phaco
The FEMCAT study, a large, real-life, prospective, multicenter study comparing femtosecond laser cataract surgery and phacoemulsification, showed equal results and complications between the two procedures. Read more.
7. FDA approves study for Implantable Miniature Telescope in post-cataract patients
The FDA has approved a clinical study of the Implantable Miniature Telescope in patients with age-related macular degeneration who were previously implanted with an IOL. Read more.
8. FDA approves AcrySof IQ ReSTOR +2.5 multifocal toric IOL with ActiveFocus design
Designed for patients undergoing cataract surgery to address astigmatism and presbyopia, the IOL delivers clear distance vision and a range of vision for patients who want to be less dependent on glasses. Read more.
9. Novel technique using capsulorrhexis flap to protect endothelium shows good results
A novel technique using the capsulorrhexis flap to protect the endothelium during phacoemulsification proved effective in reducing cell loss and minimizing corneal edema in a study. Read more.
10. FDA warns of HORV risk with vancomycin intraocular injection
Hemorrhagic occlusive retinal vasculitis, a rare, potentially blinding postoperative complication, has been seen in dozens of patients who received intraocular injections of vancomycin formulations, according to an FDA Compounding Risk Alert. Read more.