December 06, 2017
3 min read

Anterior segment surgeons should recognize retinal dystrophies and associated cataract complications

Retinal dystrophies are far from my area of expertise. I suspect this is true for most anterior segment surgeons. We all saw these patients as residents on our retina and pediatric service rotations, but most are managed at tertiary care centers today.

A few thoughts from an anterior segment surgeon who also does some comprehensive ophthalmology. I still have patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in my practice. This is the most common retinal dystrophy, with about 100,000 patients afflicted in the U.S., which means there are about 2,000 in Minnesota. The classic bone spicule pigmentation in the retina, waxy pallor of the optic nerve and attenuated vessels are readily apparent on examination. These patients can have decent Snellen acuity one letter at a time. The classic field in a mature adult is usually a central island of 10° or less, and patients of course have nyctalopia.

Many recommend treatment with 15,000 IU per day of vitamin A palmitate. I leave this to the retina specialist, and ideally all these patients should have one. Sun protection makes sense, so a hat and UV-absorbing/blue blocker sunglasses seem appropriate to me and may reduce glare and enhance contrast sensitivity. Good nutrition and perhaps an AREDS type supplement along with a multivitamin and oral omega-3 supplements have been recommended by many. I think we anterior segment surgeons should at a minimum be able to discuss these options.

These patients develop cataracts at an earlier age, and many can benefit significantly from cataract surgery. Intraoperatively they often have lax zonules like a pseudoexfoliation patient and can develop capsular contraction postoperatively. I do a larger anterior capsulotomy and in some cases place a capsular tension ring. These patients also develop posterior capsular opacity, usually fibrosis, at a higher incidence. This is likely related to more than average postoperative inflammation.

The major sight-threatening complication I have encountered when doing cataract surgery in these patients is cystoid macular edema, which is particularly devastating in patients with RP because they only have the central field remaining. I counsel patients about this potential complication, do a preoperative macular OCT and treat these patients more aggressively with topical steroids and NSAIDs after surgery. I am fast to refer to a retina specialist if they develop CME, and intravitreal injections may be needed. I have a few patients who lost central acuity permanently after cataract surgery from CME, so I personally am more conservative with these patients, but cataract removal can also provide the RP patient great benefit in their function. As in every patient, it is the art of medicine to know when the patient is ready to accept the risks of cataract surgery, which are higher in the RP patient. I always implant a high-quality acrylic aspheric monofocal IOL in these patients.


Because there are nearly 200 different genetic mutations in the RP patient, gene therapy here is more challenging but being investigated. RP can be dominant, recessive or X-linked, and patients of child-bearing age deserve quality genetic counseling. Today I prefer to delegate that to an expert, which is readily available to me in the large community of Minneapolis.

The only other retinal dystrophy I have had in my practice since leaving the University of Minnesota is a couple of patients with Stargardt disease. There are about 35,000 of these patients in America and maybe 700 in Minnesota. They almost always have a retina specialist, and if they do not, I get them one. They also retain some useful vision into the cataract age and may require cataract surgery. I use the same precautions as for RP patients when I do cataract surgery in Stargardt patients. Stargardt patients have a single gene mutation, so some form of gene therapy is more likely to work for them, and many companies such as Spark Therapeutics, Astellas Pharma and Crispr Therapeutics along with others are pursuing potential therapies.

I have no Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) or choroideremia patients in my practice. The LCA patients are born with nystagmus and severe visual loss and are always cared for in a tertiary medical center with a pediatric and retina specialist engaged. Choroideremia patients live long enough and retain enough vision to potentially benefit from cataract surgery. Choroideremia is an X-linked disease that affects males and is very rare, with only about 6,000 patients in the U.S. and about 100 in Minnesota. I saw a few of these patients when I led the anterior segment service at the University of Minnesota, but have not seen one in 30 years since leaving the university for private practice. Again, the same precautions as noted above for the RP patient with cataract surgery make sense to me, but I do not recall experiencing the loose zonules like in RP with the few cases I did 30 years ago. However, increased capsular fibrosis and CME remain a concern.

Finally, we now have the Argus II retinal prosthesis system (Second Sight Medical Products) FDA approved and available in the U.S. The patient who is being treated is 25 years of age or older with severe RP. Vision is usually bare light perception or even no light perception. In my city, the retinal service at the University of Minnesota under the direction of Erik van Kuijk, MD, has taken a special interest in this procedure, which requires significant surgical skill and also intense postoperative training. While quite heroic and expensive, it is important for us community ophthalmologists to be aware of the indications for this procedure and refer appropriate interested patients to the pioneering centers offering these treatments.

Disclosure: Lindstrom reports no relevant financial disclosures.