Issue: July 25, 2016
July 25, 2016
1 min read

New trifocal IOL shows good results in hyperopic patients

Issue: July 25, 2016

MILAN — Improvements have been made to the new trifocal Alcon AcrySof PanOptix IOL so that intermediate vision is better with a higher visual quality compared with the previous AcrySof ReSTOR, according to one surgeon.

“The number of steps have increased from 9 to 15, with two additions at +3.25 D near and +2.17 D intermediate power. The optic is larger, 4.5 mm, and the central refractive zone is larger. Because of this, the PanOptix is less pupil-dependent than the ReSTOR and sends energy to three focal points in both small and large pupil conditions,” Antonio Marinho, MD, PhD, said at the OSN Italy meeting here.

This redistribution of energy improves vision in the intermediate range, while the good distance and near performance of the ReSTOR is maintained, he said.

Marinho tested the performance of the new lens in 10 hyperopic patients undergoing refractive lens exchange with bilateral implantation. He selected younger RLE patients rather than routine cataract patients to better evaluate visual quality and intermediate vision.

All eyes almost achieved emmetropia, with a slight positive residual error of +0.15.

“We know now that biometry should aim between 0 and –0.25,” Marinho said.

Visual acuity was 20/20 at distance in 80% of the patients. Eighty percent could read J1 at intermediate, and almost 90% could read J1 at near. Spectacle independence was achieved by 90% of the patients. Few and not disturbing photic phenomena were reported.

The lens needs further improvements, Marinho said, such as a toric model and lower powers. – by Michela Cimberle


Marinho A. Experience with PanOptix trifocal IOL for RLE. Presented at: OSN Italy; May 20-21, 2016; Milan.

Disclosure: Marinho reports he is a consultant for Alcon and Ophtec.