April 21, 2016
7 min watch

VIDEO: Boston keratoprosthesis in severe external disease

The Boston keratoprosthesis technique may be a good option in the surgical management of severe external disease. In this particular case with severe pemphigoid, almost ankyloblepharon, cornea scarring and dense cataract, we performed a combined symblepharon lysis, host cornea trephination at 9 mm diameter, an open-sky extracapsular cataract extraction, in-the-bag IOL implantation and implantation of a pre-prepared Boston KPro type I, attached to a 9.5-mm vehicle donor cornea. The video describes the procedure step by step.

For more information:

A. John Kanellopoulos, MD, is an OSN Europe Edition Board Member. He can be reached at Laservision Institute, Tsocha Street 17, Athens 11521, Greece; email: ajkmd@mac.com.

Disclosure: Kanellopoulos reports no relevant financial disclosures.