Jorge L. Alió, MD PhD
I implant multifocal IOLs of different types in about 50% to 60% of my patients. Actually, when I indicate cataract surgery, I always presume that the patient has a good chance to restore near vision with modern multifocal IOLs. I use low near vision add multifocals in virtually all the patients in which I used to implant a monofocal IOL. For this purpose, I use the Mplus Oculentis +1.5. For patients in which a real premium goal is aimed, my objective is not only intermediate vision glasses independence but near vision as well; therefore, I use the Oculentis Mplus +3 and the trifocal Acrylisa, both of these being the most highly considered lenses at the moment based on the studies published in peer-reviewed literature.
In summary, multifocal IOLs are an important part of my practice as the results nowadays have no comparison with the previous ones, problems are scarce and patient satisfaction is very high.
Jorge L. Alió, MD PhD
OSN Europe Editorial Board Member
Disclosures: Disclosure: Alió is a consultant of Oculentis and clinical investigator of trifocal Acrylisa.