Issue: June 2013
May 20, 2013
1 min read

Presbyopic ‘blended vision’ procedure provides effective outcomes

Issue: June 2013

MILAN — Laser blended vision effectively addresses presbyopia in myopic and hyperopic patients, according to one surgeon.

Presbyond (Carl Zeiss Meditec) combines micro-monovision with a bilateral procedure that increases depth of focus by addressing spherical aberration.

"We treat the dominant eye for distance and correct the nondominant eye to be slightly myopic for near vision, about –1.5 D. In addition, we increase the depth of field of each eye using a wavefront-optimized ablation profile to increase spherical aberration and create a continuous refractive power gradient for the whole optical zone," Klaus Ditzen, MD, said at the annual joint meeting of Ocular Surgery News and the Italian Society of Ophthalmology.

Klaus Ditzen, MD

Klaus Ditzen

"This creates a natural ‘blending’ of the images from the two eyes. Blended vision, in fact, is a bilateral approach that, contrary to conventional monovision, is well-accepted and requires little neuroadaptation," he explained.

Ditzen showed the results of Presbyond in two groups of 18 myopic presbyopes and 23 hyperopic presbyopes. In both groups, 100% of the patients achieved monocular near acuity of J2 or better. J1 was achieved by 89% of myopes and 73% of hyperopes. Binocularly, 61% of the myopic group and 74% of the hyperopic group combined 20/20 at distance with J1 at near.

Results were stable overall, with only a small regression in the hyperopic group at 1 year.

Disclosure: Ditzen has no relevant financial disclosures.