Issue: March 2014
March 01, 2014
3 min read

Named lectures at 29th APAO Congress with WOC 2014

Issue: March 2014

One of the most exciting elements of the 29th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress held in conjunction with the World Ophthalmology Congress 2014 is the APAO named award lectures. This year, the APAO named award lectures will be presented in the following sessions:

1. APAO Jose Rizal International Medal Lecture

IOL Fixation with Weak Zonules

David F. Chang, MD

[IS-WE-02] IOL Solutions for Posterior Capsular Tears

Wednesday, April 2, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Room 17 – Imperial Hotel 2F Peacock (East)

2. APAO Jose Rizal Medal Lecture

Combined Vitreoretinal and Cataract Surgery: Tips and Pearls

Dennis S.C. Lam, MD, FRCOphth

[IS-FR-122] Spotlight on Cataract Surgery

Friday, April 4, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Room 17 – Imperial Hotel 2F Peacock (East)

3. APAO De Ocampo Lecture

Retinitis Pigmentosa: From Gene to Treatment – Possible Therapy by Optogenetics

Makoto Tamai, MD

[IS-FR-102] Emerging Therapies

Friday, April 4, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Room 6 – Tokyo International Forum 5F Hall D5

4. APAO Holmes Lecture

Glaucoma in Mongolia

Jamiyanjav Baasankhuu, MD, PhD

[IC-FR-22] APAO Session: Glaucoma Risk Factors: Implication for Glaucoma Pathogenesis

Friday, April 4, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Room 3 – Tokyo International Forum 7F Hall B7 (1)

5. APAO Susruta Lecture

Femtosecond Cataract Surgery – False Horizon or Final Frontier

Abhay Vasavada, MD

[IC-TH-16] APAO Session: Cataract Surgery: World’s Best Practice Tips

Thursday, April 3, 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Room 17 – Imperial Hotel 2F Peacock (East)

APAO named awardees 2014.
APAO named awardees 2014.

6. APAO Arthur Lim Award Lecture

Application of Radiofrequency Diathermy Capsulotomy in Complicated Cataract

Yizhi Liu, MD, PhD

[IS-TH-86] AAPPO Session: Management of Complicated Cataract

Thursday, April 3, 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Room 28 – Imperial Hotel 3F Irodori

7. APAO Nakajima Award Lecture

Evidence-Based Update on the Epidemiology of AMD: Comparison Between Asia and the Rest of the World

Gemmy Cheung, MD

[IS-SA-163] Evidence-Based Management of Asian AMD

Saturday, April 5, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Room 6 – Tokyo International Forum 5F Hall D5

8. APAO ICO Mark Tso Golden Apple Award Lecture

Addressing the Surgical Learning Curve: Advanced Skill Transfer, Apprenticeship and Audit

Charles McGhee, PhD, FRCS, FRCOphth, FRANZCO

[IS-FR-120] Accreditation of Residency Programs: The Need to Increase Quality of Training Globally

Friday, April 4, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Room 11 – Tokyo International Forum 5F G502

Please mark your calendar and be sure you can attend these important sessions where the APAO named lectures are to be presented. You can also download the application program of WOC 2014 to get the latest news, find information on sessions and plan your visit. Search WOC 2014 at the App Store on iTunes or at Google Play.

APAO Congress updates

For the first time, the APAO will recognize its achievement award recipients at its annual congress with an achievement award ribbon that they can attach to their delegate badge. We truly appreciate the contributions of our invited speakers and program participants to make the APAO annual congress a great success. To learn more about the APAO achievement award program, please visit

Visit the APAO booth (A6-10) and the APAO Congress booth (E-55) at the Tokyo International Forum to learn about the various initiatives of the APAO, including its publications, future congresses, international fellowship program and leadership development program. Members of APAO’s member societies can sign up for free access to the Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology on site.

WOC 2014 latest news and numbers

More than 16,000 delegates from more than 129 countries have registered for the World Ophthalmology Congress of the International Council of Ophthalmology from April 2 to 6 in Tokyo. Demonstrating the tremendous outpouring of response to the WOC, other exciting numbers to report include:

  • 4,900 international experts presenting the latest information;
  • 2,000 e-posters;
  • 582 free papers;
  • 342 symposia;
  • 300 travel grants;
  • 169 section coordinators;
  • 128 videos;
  • 124 courses; and
  • 86 submitted courses.
  • Adding to the excitement, the Tokyo Congress will feature many popular educational programs, such as the Ophthalmic Premier League, Phaco Nightmares and Worst Case Scenarios, RETINAWS Retinal Misadventures in the Operating Room, WOC Update Program and the World Ophthalmology Quiz.

    Already registered for the WOC 2014? Don’t forget to stop by the ICO Booth (E-53).