Issue: February 2015
February 01, 2015
4 min read

Named lectures to be presented at the 30th APAO Congress

Issue: February 2015

The 30th Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress is just around the corner. Each year, outstanding ophthalmologists are recognized at the APAO annual congress for their contributions to advancing ophthalmology and eye care services in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. We are proud to present the following named lectures and pleased to recognize the lecturers with various APAO Named Awards:

Lecture titles

  • Jose Rizal Medal Lecture: The Global Issue of Vision Loss and What We Can Do about It
  • De Ocampo Lecture: Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma — Surgical Options in 2015
  • Holmes Lecture: Technology-driven Solutions for Eye Care Service Delivery
  • ICO Mark Tso Golden Apple Award Lecture: Organic vs. Non-Organic Visual Loss in Children — Approach to Diagnosis and Management
  • Susruta Lecture: Cataract/IOL Surgery for Complicated Cataract with Intraocular Inflammation
  • Nakajima Award Lecture: Keratoconus: Solving Conical Conundrums
  • Jose Rizal International Medal Lecture: The Next Generation
  • Images: Lam DSC

    To look up the schedule of each named lecture, please go to to conduct a search by speakers. Input the lecturers’ names, and you will be able to see when and where their talks are scheduled. Awards will be presented to all the named lecturers during the opening ceremony on the evening of April 1. The event is open to all. We look forward to seeing you there.

    Distinguished service awards and outstanding service in prevention of blindness awards 2015

    This year, more than 50 outstanding individuals will be recognized by the APAO for their distinguished service in ophthalmology and outstanding service in prevention of blindness. Awardees are nominated by the APAO Council as well as APAO’s member societies and selected by the Award Selection Committee. Award presentation will be held during the inauguration of the APAO secretariat office and awardees’ reception on the evening of April 2 at the new APAO secretariat office in Guangzhou, China.

    Program highlights

    Here is a sneak peek into the final program. We thank our coordinators for their contributions and support.

    Intraocular inflammation, uveitis and scleritis

    A total of six sessions on intraocular inflammation, uveitis and scleritis have been organized. The four sessions organized by the scientific program committee members include a symposium on chronic ocular surface disorders titled “WEST meets EAST,” which aims to highlight various aspects of ocular surface inflammation in Westernand Asian countries; a session on advances on the management of endophthalmitis; a symposium on the diagnosis and treatment of Behçet’s disease and retinal vasculitis; and a symposium on various non-infectious granulomatous uveitis such as Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease, sarcoidosis and masquerade syndromes. Two society-sponsored symposia will also be held and include a session sponsored by the International Ocular Inflammation Society on infectious uveitis and a session organized by the Asia-Pacific Intraocular Inflammation Study Group on the management of complications in uveitis.

    Pediatric ophthalmology

    The pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus scientific program will be exciting and innovative. It promises to be of interest not only to subspecialists but to general ophthalmologists with an interest in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.

    The scientific program committee has organized the participation of eight invited society symposia that will provide interactive educational exchange in many areas of pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, presented in a rapid-moving format and offering cutting-edge and future-oriented surgical techniques to help prepare you for new advances in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus.

    It is an honor to have the International Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus Council organizing its first APAO session at this congress, titled “Retinopathy of Prematurity — A Worldwide Disease. How do We Achieve the Best Possible Care Everywhere?”

    The strabismus sessions will be hosted by leaders in the field, presenting diagnostic dilemmas and a variety of surgical options in management. Exciting sessions include an instruction course on novel techniques of “Minimally Invasive Strabismus Surgery” by Daniel Mojon, MD, from Switzerland and the “Video Bonanza” session on breathtaking moments in the life of pediatric ophthalmologists and strabismologists.

    Medical retina

    The medical retina program offers a wide range of topics and promises to be interesting for both well-experienced medical retina specialists as well as those newly inducted into this specialty. The medical retina program is divided into 13 invited symposia that will cover topics ranging from basic sciences, retinal imaging and current treatment guidelines to newer developments. We have gathered world-renowned faculty who are an authority in their respective subjects to share their knowledge and experience with you. We have the ISCEV, ARVO, AAO and APVRS symposia that will bring together knowledgeable faculty from all over the world to discuss the current issues. Keeping in mind the rapidly progressing field of medical retina, we have included a session on the newer developments. This will elaborate the newer developments in retinal imaging, treatment of diabetic macular edema, myopia, vein occlusion, polypoidal choroidopathy and age-related macular degeneration. Young Hee Yoon, MD, will deliver the Arthur Lim Award Lecture on “Microstructural Change in Foveal Inner Retina as a Visual Predictor of Idiopathic ERM.” There are also various instruction courses to update skills. The program promises to be a veritable feast for knowledge seekers.

    Check out the entire scientific program at We look forward to seeing you in Guangzhou soon.

    Gala dinner and speakers’ reception

    The gala dinner and speakers’ reception will be held on April 3, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the Hilton Baiyun Guangzhou. We thank our invited speakers for their contributions to the 30th APAO Congress, which is essential to the success of the congress. While all the invited speakers will receive an invitation, we have reserved some tickets for sale so that delegates can also come and have fun. Interested delegates can log into their registration account at to access the “Social Program” page to order tickets. Achievement awardees of 2015 will also be recognized at the gala dinner and the speakers’ reception.

    31st APAO Congress, Chinese Taipei, March 25 to 29, 2016

    APAO Congress 2016, Taipei, China.

    While we are eagerly looking forward to the 30th APAO Congress in Guangzhou, we are equally excited about the 31st APAO Congress to be held in Chinese Taipei on March 25 to 29, 2016. It has been 15 years since the 18th APAO Congress was held in Taipei in 2001, and we are pleased to come back to this exciting city in Asia, where you will be impressed by the diversity of food, stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. We are pleased to announce that the APAO Congress Standing Committee has appointed Lin-Chung Woung, MD, as congress president of APAO Congress 2016 and Dennis S.C. Lam, MD, FRCOphth, as scientific program chair. We look forward to another successful congress following the 30th APAO Congress in Guangzhou.