April 01, 2015
3 min watch

From strength to strength

We are pleased to share with you that the 30th Congress of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, held in conjunction with the 20th Congress of the Chinese Ophthalmological Society, was a success with attendance by 10,139 delegates from 67 countries. We thank all our program coordinators, speakers and delegates, whose support and participation have been very important to the success of the congress. We also thank Ningli Wang, MD, PhD, congress president of the 30th APAO Congress, for the generous hospitality we received in Guangzhou, China. Not only were various APAO named awards presented at the opening ceremony, Dennis S.C. Lam, MD, FRCOphth, was inaugurated as the 20th president of the academy. In his inauguration speech, Lam once again thanked Rajvardhan Azad, MD, FRCS, APAO’s outgoing president, for his strong leadership in the past 2 years, emphasized the importance of collaboration, and stressed that both prevention of blindness and online education are high on the academy’s agenda.

SOE 2015

The APAO is pleased to be a major partner of the Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology 2015 in Vienna, Austria, from June 6 to 9. As a co-sponsor, the APAO will organize sessions four scientific focusing on “New developments in corneal surgery,” “Treatment options for severe myopia” and “Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: Is it the Asian AMD?” and a joint symposium with the International Council of Ophthalmology on “Ideas in global education.” SOE will reciprocally co-sponsor the 31st APAO Congress in Chinese Taipei, on March 26 to 29, 2016. Being a major driving force in ophthalmology in the Asia-Pacific region, the academy believes that through collaboration, we will be able to bring into the region novel ideas and innovations while introducing problems and diseases specific to the region and their treatments to ophthalmologists from outside the region.

Images: Lam DSC

31st APAO Congress

Following the success of the 30th APAO Congress in Guangzhou, China, the 31st APAO Congress will be held in conjunction with the 57th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Taipei Ophthalmological Society on March 26 to 29, 2016. Co-sponsored by the SOE, the 31st APAO Congress will feature four symposiums organized by SOE in addition to a world-class scientific program engineered by Lam and the Scientific Program Committee. More information about APAO 2016 is available at http://2016.apaophth.org. We look forward to seeing you again in Taipei.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology (APJO)

The academy is pleased to share with you that our official journal, the Asia-Pacific Journal of Ophthalmology, has been selected for Medline indexing. Articles published in the APJO since its official launch will be indexed retroactively and become searchable in PubMed in a couple of months. We thank all the contributing authors who believed in our potential when we were not yet indexed. We also thank our editors and reviewers who have taken their time to help us improve. Specifically, we thank the advisory and editorial boards, whose support and advice are important to help the journal take shape.

In addition to the well-received annual review series, the APJO has published two living review series in which hot topics are reviewed and updated from time to time as a living document. The living review series on Sturge-Weber syndrome is available at http://journals.lww.com/apjoo/pages/collectiondetails.aspx?TopicalCollectionId=1. The second series in line is on tonometry. The first living review article has already been published and is accessible at http://journals.lww.com/apjoo/Abstract/2015/03000/Fundamentals_and_Advances_in_Tonometry.4.aspx. The editorial board is also planning a few special thematic issues on topics of great interest. The first special issue on myopia is scheduled for publication in January/February 2016.

We hope to continue to bring to ophthalmologists and visual scientists in the Asia-Pacific region updates and new developments in ophthalmology research. Members of APAO’s member societies can sign up for free access at http://www.apaophth.org/eJournal/index.php. One will receive an activation email after signing up. Should you need any assistance, please contact us at apjo-info@apaophth.org.


Last but not least, the APJO has appointed Benny Zee, PhD, from the Chinese University of Hong Kong as our statistical editor. Zee will help us ensure that the statistical analyses are accurate. We thank all the contributors to the APJO, and we look forward to your support, too.

9th APVRS Congress

The 9th Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society Congress will be held in Sydney, Australia, from July 31 to Aug. 2. We received more than 300 abstracts, which have already been reviewed. Notifications will be sent to all the submitters shortly. Please contact apvrs@thinkbusinessevents.com.au if you have any questions. Early-bird registration will close on May 18. Please don’t miss the chance to get the best rate of the congress. Check out the tickets to the congress gala at the Australian Maritime Museum, where you will have the opportunity to board the HMAS Vampire.

This year, the APVRS Tano Lecture will be presented by Tien Yin Wong, MD, MPH, PhD, from Singapore. Another major feature is the Neil Della Lecture delivered by Ian McAllister, FRANZCO, from Australia. Constable is the congress president and is excited to announce that the program is now available for viewing on the congress website at http://2015.apvrs.org/program-committee/.