November 24, 2015
1 min read

AAO launches effort to rebrand itself as vanguard of eye care

The American Academy of Ophthalmology is embarking on an initiative to rebrand itself and foster an understanding of the specialty’s impact on society, a speaker said at the AAO annual meeting in Las Vegas.

AAO CEO David W. Parke II, MD, described the rebranding effort during a press briefing. Although the initiative will involve changes to the AAO’s logo, tagline, design of products and website, it is mainly designed to enhance the public’s understanding of the goals and contributions of ophthalmology, Parke said.

David W. Parke II

“We need to really concentrate on the impact of ophthalmology, not just what ophthalmology is. It’s not just about a logo. It’s not just about a tagline. It’s really going to drive a focus on everything that we do because, in so doing, we think it benefits the profession, it benefits the members,” he said. “This isn’t just a rebrand for the Academy. It’s a rebrand for ophthalmology.”

The AAO will advertise its online education and patient education services and the IRIS Registry, the largest eye care registry in the world, Parke said.

“It actually is a bigger database in ophthalmology than Medicare is,” he said.

The initiative will also involve informing the public and policymakers about the role of ophthalmology in health care and reinforce the concept of ophthalmology being the front line of eye care, Parke said. by Matt Hasson

Disclosure: Parke reports no relevant financial disclosures.