Range of uveitis treatments set to expand
Uveitis refers to a collection of diseases characterized by intraocular inflammation. Treatment varies depending on the specific uveitic disease, the location of the inflammation, severity and duration of disease.
“The uveitides represent probably over 30 separate diseases, which are highly variable in disease course, treatment and prognosis,” Douglas A. Jabs, MD, MBA, said.
For anterior uveitis, patients may experience pain or discomfort, redness in the eye or photophobia, and potentially decreased vision; for posterior uveitis, patients may experience any number of effects on their vision, including floaters or floating spots, decreased vision, distorted vision and decreased field, in addition to changes in color vision or night vision, depending on the type of uveitis, OSN Retina/Vitreous Board Member Glenn J. Jaffe, MD, said.
Slit lamp examination and indirect ophthalmoscopy can identify anterior chamber inflammatory cells and vitreous haze, which are indicators of active inflammation, but identifying the specific disease is key to managing the disease.
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