Five most-viewed cornea stories of 2014
In 2014, the most widely viewed cornea topics on ranged from peer-reviewed journal summaries to live coverage from annual ophthalmology meetings.
Topics varied from autologous serum eye drops for dry eye symptoms to ocular surface prosthetics for irregular corneas.
Here are the five most-viewed cornea stories in 2014:
1. Autologous serum eye drops may improve dry eye symptoms
Patients with severe dry eye reported subjective improvement in symptoms after long-term use of autologous serum 50% eye drops. Read more
2. VIDEO: Surgeon introduces simplified pterygium removal technique
NEW YORK — William B. Trattler, MD, discusses a new simplified technique for performing pterygium removal surgery. Read more
3. PRK with cross-linking markedly reduces keratocyte, nerve density
PRK combined with corneal collagen cross-linking had a transient effect on corneal innervation and a significant effect on keratocyte density for up to 4 years postoperatively. Read more
4. Autologous serum tears shown to improve corneal pain
ORLANDO, Fla. — Patients with chronic pain from corneal neuropathy showed significant improvement with the use of 20% autologous serum tears. Read more
5. Ocular surface prosthetic may be alternative for irregular corneas
An ocular surface prosthetic can treat discomfort and improve visual function in patients with irregular corneas who were unresponsive to prior conventional treatments. Read more