January 07, 2015
1 min read

Cost may be barrier to capitalizing on advantages of femtosecond cataract surgery

Improvements in instrumentation allow surgeons to measure various ocular parameters with exquisite precision. With the advent of the femtosecond laser, it is now possible to also perform various steps of the intraocular procedure with equal precision. The infrared laser works by delivering energy in extremely short pulses, and the procedure of femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery is now available around the world.

One of the key steps of cataract surgery is the surgical incision. Using the laser to fashion the corneal incision may offer greater predictability and the ability to fashion the dimensions more precisely, which can result in more predictable and reduced surgically induced astigmatism. The wound also has the potential to seal tightly, without the need for stromal hydration at the conclusion of surgery, which may reduce the risk of postoperative endophthalmitis.

The laser is able to perform an accurately sized and centered anterior capsulorrhexis, and this increases the locational stability of the in-the-bag IOL. A symmetric overlap of the rhexis margins around the edge of the lens optic ensures that there is no tilt or decentration of the lens, and this is of extreme importance in ensuring the optimal performance of premium IOLs.

Click here to read the full commentary published in Ocular Surgery News APAO Edition, November/December.