12-year-old girl experiences progressive vision loss and nyctalopia
A 12-year-old girl was referred to the New England Eye Center by an outside ophthalmologist for evaluation of decreased vision in both eyes.
She was first noticed to have decreased vision at age 4 years, when her teachers noted she was unable to see the blackboard at school. Starting 1 year before presentation, she reported worsening nyctalopia. She was seen by an ophthalmologist who initially recommended refractive correction. Of note, 6 months before presentation she immigrated to the United States from Brazil. She continued to experience worsening vision at that time and was re-evaluated. She was noted to have retinal changes bilaterally and referred for further work-up.
Click here to read the full publication exclusive, Grand Rounds at the New England Eye Center, published in Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition, December 10, 2014.