September 15, 2014
1 min read

Advantages observed with combined OVDs, trypan blue in manual capsulorrhexis

LONDON — The combination of two different ophthalmic viscosurgical devices with trypan blue led to a safe anterior lens capsule indentation and reduced intraoperative complications, according to data presented here at the European Society for Cataract and Refractive Surgeons Congress.

Fritz H. Hengerer, MD, and colleagues used a 1% medium-viscous ophthalmic viscosurgical device (OVD) in one group of patients, and both a medium- and high-viscous OVD were used to create a central indentation of the anterior lens capsule before a circular curvilinear capsulorhexis was performed in a second group.

A third group of patients underwent capsulorrhexis with a femtosecond laser system, Hengerer said.
Data indicated a deviation from the target circular curvilinear capsulorrhexis diameter in 12 cases in the first group, compared with six cases in the second group.

One capsular tear occurred in the first group. There was one radial anterior tear and an adherent tongue-like capsular adhesion in seven eyes in the third group.

“In the future, we have to enhance our [femtosecond] lasers due to fact there are slight variations in these cases,” Hengerer said. – by Samantha Costa

Disclosure: Hengerer has no relevant financial disclosures.