Femtosecond capsulotomy associated with lower PCO rate than manual procedure
Femtosecond laser-assisted anterior capsulotomy resulted in less posterior capsule opacification than manual anterior capsulorrhexis, according to a study.
The laser-assisted technique also resulted in better IOL positioning than the manual method.
The retrospective study included 40 eyes of 40 patients who underwent femtosecond laser-assisted anterior capsulotomy. A control group comprised 39 eyes of 39 patients who underwent manual anterior capsulorrhexis.
The LenSx femtosecond laser (Alcon) was used to create a 4.9-mm diameter capsulotomy in the laser group. A cystotome and forceps were used to perform manual capsulorrhexis in the manual group.
Open-access systematic capsule assessment (OSCA) software was used to measure PCO 18 months to 26 months after surgery.
Mean vertical tilt was 3.5° in the laser group and 5.1° in the manual group.
Mean horizontal decentration was 154.74 µm in the laser group and 260.5 µm in the manual group. Total decentration was 212.01 µm in the laser group and 320.54 µm in the manual group.
The mean OSCA score was 0.58 in the laser group and 0.84 in the manual group.
Vertical tilt, horizontal decentration, total IOL decentration and PCO were significantly higher in the manual group than in the laser group (P = .03, P = .05, P = .03, P = .01, respectively).
Only vertical tilt was significantly associated with PCO levels in both groups (laser: P < .001; manual: P = .03).
Disclosure: The authors have no relevant financial disclosures.