July 19, 2014
1 min read

BLOG: Subluxated capsular bag-IOL complex with CTR and dislocated endocapsular segment

A subluxated capsular bag is often addressed by surgeons during cataract surgery. It may exist as a preoperative entity associated with the subluxation of the lens, as an intraoperative entity due to pull or traction on the capsular bag, or as a postoperative entity due to progressive weakening of the zonules, which is usually seen in pseudoexfoliation, Marfan’s syndrome, and other metabolic and connective tissue disorders.

Priya Narang

For cases of mild subluxation, a capsular tension ring (CTR) can be used, and the timing of its implantation into the capsular bag depends solely on the surgeon.

Click here to read the full blog entry with video by Priya Narang, MS.