Choroidal and retinal thickness associated with severity of refractive error
Significant variations in choroidal and retinal thickness in different regions of the macula in normal eyes are linked to the degree of refractive error, according to a study.
The prospective, cross-sectional study included 124 Chinese adults who underwent optical coherence tomography scans in both eyes with the Spectralis (Heidelberg Engineering).
Researchers found statistically significant differences in choroidal thickness among subjects with emmetropia and low, moderate and high myopia (P < .01).
Among subjects with normal refraction and those with low and moderate myopia, central subfield choroidal thickness was greater than retinal thickness and thinner or of similar thickness in subjects with high myopia.
Retinal thickness was greatest in subjects with normal refraction and lowest in high myopes, with fewer significant variations reported compared with choroidal thickness.
“These observations may provide insights into the normal development of the eye and, possibly, the development of refractive error, and the roles played by the interaction of the choroid and retina in these processes,” the study authors said.
Disclosure: Tan receives research funding from the National Healthcare Group Clinician Scientist Career Scheme Grant and travel support from Bayer (Southeast Asia).