April 19, 2013
1 min read

Innovation in ophthalmology pushes forward

SAN FRANCISCO — The future of innovation in ophthalmology is promising, with more forward movement than drag, according to a speaker here.

“The tailwinds are stronger than the headwinds,” William J. Link, PhD, managing director of Versant Ventures, told colleagues interested in supporting innovation in the ophthalmic space at the Ophthalmology Innovation Summit.

William J. Link, PhD

William J. Link

Key criteria needed to push innovation forward include a large and accessible market, a significant unmet or underserved need, and disruptive technology that can be refined. These criteria are being met in the ophthalmology market, he said.

Other influential factors include working with a resilient and tenacious team and knowing the regulatory pathway, he said.

“The predictability of the regulatory pathway is very influential in innovation,” Link said, citing the length of the process as one of the factors that can hold back innovation.

The drivers of innovation oftentimes are the physicians themselves, according to Link.

“They’re closest to the need; they’re closest to the patient,” he said.

Innovation is rewarded when the end result is safe and effective for patients, in addition to being good for the customer, he said.

Disclosure: Link is managing director of Versant Ventures.