Portable OCT enables accurate measurements in seated, supine subjects
Measurements of optic nerve head and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness using a portable spectral-domain optical coherence tomography device were repeatable and highly correlated for both seated and supine subjects, according to a study.
The cross-sectional, observational study included 60 eyes of 30 study participants: 10 healthy participants aged 20 to 27 years, 10 healthy participants aged 50 to 66 years and 10 glaucoma patients aged 38 to 82 years.
All measurements were taken with a portable iVue spectral-domain OCT (Optovue), and each subject’s measurements were taken in a single session. Five scans were performed after each participant was supine for 5 minutes, and five were performed after each participant was seated for 5 minutes.
Optic nerve head and retinal nerve fiber layer measurements were both found to be highly repeatable in individual eyes. The correlation between optic nerve head measurements taken in supine and seated positions was strong.
“These results suggest that the ability of the portable iVue SD-OCT to quantify [optic nerve head] and [retinal nerve fiber layer] parameters is good to excellent in both body positions and comparable to reported values for stationary SD-OCT instruments in the sitting position. The iVue-SD-OCT is useful for individuals in whom imaging in body positions other than sitting is indicated,” the study authors said.
The study results may have been limited by the short time participants spent in the supine position, the authors noted.