April 27, 2012
1 min read

Presence of corneal inlay may not affect ocular examination

CHICAGO — An opaque annular inlay should not hinder evaluation of ocular structures, according to a small study presented here.

Wolfgang Riha
Wolfgang Riha

“Kamra corneal inlay does not interfere significantly with imaging and examination of ocular structures. You might see a slight reduction in image quality. However, most retinal and glaucoma assessments provide accurate information,” Wolfgang Riha, MD, said at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery meeting.

The study included 10 patients who were evaluated preoperatively and then 6 months to 9 months after implantation of the Kamra corneal inlay (AcuFocus). For the sum of glaucoma and retinal diagnostic devices, mean deviation was –1.59 ± 1.3. Pattern standard deviation was 0.19 ± 0.27. Dr. Riha suggested that discrepancies were likely caused by reduction of light and diffraction.

The GDx VCC (Laser Diagnostic Technologies) in particular showed some variability. However, evaluation of scan quality revealed that 90% of the scans were suitable for glaucoma diagnostics.

  • Disclosure: Dr. Riha is a consultant for AcuFocus.