April 09, 2012
1 min read

Intrastromal inlay may be useful for corneal compensation of presbyopia

An intrastromal refractive inlay treated corneal compensation of presbyopia in emmetropes between 45 and 60 years old, a study found.

“During the past decade in the field of refractive surgery, increasing interest and various methods have been proposed for the treatment of presbyopia. In recent years, new approaches for presbyopia have been introduced, including intracorneal inlays with different principles of action,” the study authors said.

The prospective clinical study included 45 emmetropic presbyopes with a mean age of 52.3 years who received an Invue lens (Biovision) in the nondominant eye.

The Invue is a transparent disc with a diameter of 3 mm. The central 1.8 mm diameter is plano, and the annular peripheral zone has add power. Power ranges from +1.25 D to +3 D in increments of 0.25 D. A 0.15-mm diameter hole permits the transfer of nutrients into the cornea.

Study results at 12 months showed uncorrected near visual acuity of 20/32 or better in 98% of operated eyes and binocularly. Uncorrected distance visual acuity was 20/40 or better in 93% of operated eyes and 20/25 or better binocularly in all patients.

Corrected distance visual acuity diminished by one line in the operated eyes of three patients. No patient lost two or more lines of corrected distance visual acuity in the operated eye; binocular corrected distance visual acuity remained unchanged in all patients.

Results showed increased higher-order aberrations and diminished contrast sensitivity in operated eyes.

Endothelial cell density decreased insignificantly. Eighty-two percent of patients reported no postoperative glare or halos, the authors said.