Trypan blue staining aids open-sky capsulorrhexis
Trypan blue staining of the anterior capsule can help surgeons perform open-sky capsulorrhexis more easily and safely during a combined procedure, according to a Turkish study.
A. Ozkiris and colleagues at Erciyes University Medical Faculty in Kayseri divided patients undergoing penetrating keratoplasty with phaco and IOL implantation into two groups. In 31 eyes of 26 patients, the anterior lens capsule was stained with trypan blue 0.1% to perform open-sky capsulorrhexis. In 19 eyes of 17 patients, the same procedure was performed without trypan blue staining.
The rates of incomplete capsulorrhexis, posterior capsule tear and transscleral fixation of the IOL were higher in the second group (P < .05). Malposition of the IOL, zonular dialysis, retinal detachment and pupil capture were observed only in the second group.
The study is published in the January issue of European Journal of Ophthalmology.