Trichiasis recurrence common in trachoma, follow-up necessary
Recurrence of trichiasis after surgery in people with trachoma is high, and vigilant postoperative follow-up is necessary to help reduce the incidence of blindness, according to Emily S. West and colleagues.
Although trichiasis surgery is recommended to prevent trachoma-induced blindness, risk factors for recurrence in countries such as Tanzania have not been widely studied, Ms. West and colleagues noted. They studied 394 patients who had undergone trichiasis surgery more than 18 months previously to determine the rate of recurrence and the rate of active trachoma.
In those patients, 40% had recurrence in one or both eyes. Current infection with Chlamydia trachomatis was not associated with recurrence rates. Recurrence was, however, associated with tarsal conjunctival inflammation. The researchers note it was unclear whether the inflammation caused the recurrence or was a result of it.
The study is published in the February issue of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.