September 13, 2002
1 min read

Toric IOL treats high astigmatism post-PK

NICE, France — In eyes that have undergone penetrating keratoplasty, foldable toric IOLs can successfully treat postoperative astigmatism, according to a study presented here.

Sven C. Kulus, MD, said many patients who have had penetrating keratoplasty (PK) are left with high astigmatism. Often, the patient’s refraction cannot be corrected with just glasses or contacts, so the error must be corrected with laser treatments or incision techniques on the cornea, he said.

In such patients, he said, HumanOptics’ toric IOL can be a viable alternative to external surgical techniques.

"I’ve truly found it to fit the needs of most every patient — even those with severely high astigmatism," Dr. Kulus noted here at the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting.

In a study, Dr. Kulus implanted the toric IOL in six astigmatic eyes that had previously undergone PK. Results showed an improvement in the astigmatism of all patients, with a mean reduction from 7.5 D preop to 2.4 D of cylinder postoperatively. Visual acuity improved in the study patients from a mean of 0.3 D to 0.5 D.