Study identifies risk factors for progression of choroidal nevi into melanoma
Arch Ophthalmol. 2009;127(8):981-987.
In addition to already recognized risk factors for the progression of choroidal nevi to melanoma, ultrasonographic hollowness and the absence of halo may also predict progression, according to a study.
In a patient population of 2,514 eyes with choroidal nevi, melanoma developed in 2% of eyes after 1 year, in 9% after 5 years and in 13% after 10 years.
Multivariable analysis of the cohort revealed several risk factors that may predict progression, including tumor thickness greater than 2 mm (P < .001), subretinal fluid (P = .002), symptoms (P = .002), orange pigment (P < .001), tumor margin within 3 mm of the optic disc (P = .001), ultrasonographic hollowness (P < .001) and halo absence (P = .009).
The authors suggested a mnemonic device to help clinicians remember the identified risk factors:
"'To find small ocular melanoma using helpful hints,' representing thickness, fluid, symptoms, orange pigment, margin, ultrasonographic hollowness and halo absence," according to the study.
Because the presence of more than one nevi feature increased the risk of progression to melanoma proportionally, the authors also suggested more rigorous follow-up of patients at increased risk of progression.