February 22, 2005
1 min read

Study identifies risk factors for accommodative esotropia in hyperopic children

A family history of accommodative esotropia, a poor score on stereoacuity testing and the presence of hyperopic anisometropia are all significant risk factors for the development of accommodative esotropia, a study found. Children with any of these risk factors may benefit from early spectacle correction or preventive therapy, the study authors said.

Eileen E. Birch, PhD, and colleagues at the Retina Foundation performed three studies to identify risk factors for accommodative esotropia.

In a family history study, of 95 participants aged 18 to 60 months with accommodative esotropia, 23% had an affected first-degree relative and 91% had at least one affected relative.

In a binocular sensory function study, in 41 children with accommodative esotropia within 1 month of onset, where esodeviation was still intermittent, 41% had an abnormal score on random-dot stereo testing.

In a hyperopia study, in 345 consecutive patients aged 12 months to 8 years with refraction of +2 D or greater and no esodeviation before age 12 months, those with a refractive error of at least +3 D and significant anisometropia had a 7.8-fold increased risk for accommodative esotropia over non-anisometropic patients.

The study authors said assessment of these risk factors during pediatric vision screening could help identify the children who would benefit most from early treatment.

This study is published in the February issue of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science.