October 23, 2011
1 min read

Speaker: Increased laser usage to make cataract removal safer, more common

Michael C. Knorz, MD
Michael C. Knorz

ORLANDO, Fla. — The safety, efficacy and outcome predictability of cataract removal will increase as the femtosecond laser begins to play a larger role in cataract surgery, Michael C. Knorz, MD, said here during his Refractive Surgery Subspecialty Day keynote lecture.

Corneal incision by femtosecond laser to address astigmatism also offers a new direction for refractive cataract surgery, Dr. Knorz said at the subspecialty day that preceded the American Academy of Ophthalmology annual meeting.

"Laser refractive lens surgery, as of today, increases the safety and the efficacy of cataract removal," Knorz said. Laser usage requires less power, preserves endothelial cells, and allows for centered capsulotomy, improving lens position and refractive predictability, he said, presenting "a new paradigm" in ophthalmology.

A key question, Dr. Knorz noted, is whether the market potential exists for increased use of lasers, which amounts to another premium technology option.

"We don't really know if our patients will understand it and embrace the new technology," he said. "We do know the global cataract market is going to grow; there's no question about this. Patients are younger, they're undergoing cataract surgery sooner, they're more demanding than the patient population we have today. So there is potential."

  • Disclosure: Dr. Knorz is a consultant/adviser with Abbott Medical Optics, Alcon Laboratories, FourSight Labs, LenSx and Optical Express. He is paid lecture fees by Abbott Medical Optics and Alcon Laboratories. He owns equity in FourSight and LenSx.