SFO enters new era of globalization and information communication technology
PARIS — At the end of her 3-year mandate as president of the French Society of Ophthalmology, Béatrice Cochener, MD, said she was proud to actively partake in the society's new phase of global relationships and information communication technology.
"Our Congress, where the participation of international opinion leaders is constantly expanding and where the contribution of French-speaking developing countries is growing, shows that we are ready to enter a new global dimension," she said in an interview with OCULAR SURGERY NEWS at the French Society of Ophthalmology meeting.
Dr. Cochener's term has been characterized by an intensive opening to the international ophthalmology community and to the creation of development and cooperation projects with African countries.
Communication technology plays a pivotal role in this modernization process, she said.
"We can communicate faster, share information digitally, interact easily within our community and with our scientific partners," Dr. Cochener said. "As far as the meeting is concerned, we have now an electronic badge that is refreshed online every year, a website that gives access to a large amount of information on meeting sessions and scientific content, and we are offering to all our members the annual [SFO report] in electronic format."
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