June 09, 2006
1 min read

Risk calculators help identify potential glaucoma patients, clinician says

LAS VEGAS — Ophthalmologists should consider risk calculators to be “invaluable tools” for incorporating complex results into clinical practice, according to one physician.

“Glaucoma risk calculators help us find those who are at high risk for glaucoma,” said Steven L. Mansberger, MD, MPH, speaking here at the OSN Las Vegas meeting.

Dr. Mansberger said that not only do risk calculators help determine the probability of glaucoma, they can also help the physician make important treatment decisions. In a survey conducted to help establish the need for risk calculators, he said respondents “estimated a wide range of probabilities in the same ocular hypertensive patients. So we may be under- or over-treating ocular hypertensive patients. Risk calculators provide a tool to help us to incorporate complex results into clinical practice.”

Dr. Mansberger said one risk calculator he uses is www.discoveriesinsight.org.