Reading ability improved by Tecnis IOL
SAN FRANCISCO — The Tecnis multifocal silicone IOL lens provides “excellent reading ability” for patients with presbyopia, Daniel A. Black, MD, said.
Dr. Black spoke at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery about his first 50 cases of Tecnis IOLs (Advanced Medical Optics). He implanted the lens in 48 eyes of 24 patients with hyperopia, aged 41 to 70. Patients had “good distance vision and mild photic phenomena only,” he said. After surgery, patients could read five-point type, he said.
“These patients can pick that up and read it,” Dr. Black said.
Dr. Black had implanted the AMO Array and the eyonics crystalens before using the Tecnis, but that he stopped using the other IOLs because the near vision was not as good for patients. Both Array and crystalens had “excellent distance vision,” but neither had adequate reading vision.
“The patients did not read well in my series,” he said. “Patients need more near performance.”
He implanted the 3-piece, large, optic, defractive Tecnis lens, which had light distribution equally and was independent of pupil size. He minimized tilt or decentration, ensured the IOL was in the bag and the optic was covered by ant capsule. He also used a capsulorrhexis marker. He found the aspheric platform lens provided good reading at standard six-point type using standard lighting.
“You have superb reading performance,” Dr. Black said.