August 24, 2011
1 min read

Quick Read, Better Approach!

Welcome to Glaucoma Management, a new type of quarterly CME publication. With this first issue, we’ve sought to combine high-quality, well-referenced and relevant educational writing with a short, engaging delivery in an attractive package that will slip into a pocket or a briefcase. Of course, in this age of multiple pads, laptops and smart phones, no new approach could lack a Web component, so you’ll find even more content online.

Our goals with this publication are to have the highest quality writing, keeping a fair and balanced approach, citing those large, multicenter prospective studies whenever possible, while also being practical. Questions in clinical glaucoma far outnumber those that can be answered by government-funded multicenter trials. So on the one hand, we are going to stay highly referenced, but on the other hand, we are not going to bog you down when no peer-reviewed answers are available for important clinical questions. In those instances we will try to garner clinical wisdom from several different perspectives.

The practice of medicine is changing rapidly and no less so glaucoma, a clinical subspecialty that has focused far too long on old concepts related to lowering intraocular pressure alone. The $1,000 human genome sequence will likely be a reality in 2015. What will we do with that wealth of information? New glaucoma surgeries and new classes of ophthalmic medications are likely to become available faster than ever before along with paradigm shifts in some of our fundamental approaches.

Continuing medical education and publications such as Glaucoma Management are needed now more than ever. My hope is that these concise reviews and discussions will sharpen the clinical skills of all glaucomatologists.

Let me know what you think.