February 04, 2005
1 min read

Preop OCT can help predict visual outcome of detachment surgery

Preoperative macular analysis using optical coherence tomography may help surgeons to predict the visual outcome of surgery for macula-off retinal detachment, according to a prospective study.

Amelie Lecleire-Collet, MD, and colleagues studied the predictive value of optical coherence tomography (OCT) in 20 nonconsecutive eyes with macula-off retinal detachment and successful reattachment of the retina. A 5-mm OCT was performed preoperatively, centered on the fovea.

The final postoperative visual acuity was negatively correlated with three preoperative OCT variables: height of the retinal detachment at the central fovea, distance from the central fovea to the nearest undetached retina and the extent of structural changes in the detached retina. Preoperative visual acuity was the only clinical variable statistically correlated with final postoperative VA in this study, the authors noted.

Using multivariate analysis, the structure of the detached retina combined with the distance from the central fovea to the nearest undetached retina was highly correlated with final postop VA.

The study is published in the January issue of Retina.