August 05, 2009
1 min read

Pivotal ROP trials to use retinal imaging camera

PLEASANTON, Calif. — Two clinical trials centered around the use of anti-VEGF therapy for the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity will employ the RetCam Digital Imaging System, the manufacturer of the device announced in a press release.

The BLOCK-ROP (Pan-VEGF blockade for the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity) trial will investigate the safety of a single dose of Avastin (bevacizumab, Genetech) and its efficacy in improving the retinal architecture in patients who have failed prior laser therapy.

The BEAT-ROP (Bevacizumab eliminates the angiogenic threat of retinopathy of prematurity) trial will look at whether bevacizumab reduces the neovascularization component compared with a conventional laser therapy control group.

Both trials, which are currently enrolling patients, will use the RetCam (Clarity Medical Systems), which is touted as the only ophthalmic camera specifically designed for imaging infants and small children. Use of the objective measuring device should further help clarify results of the two trials, investigators said.