October 27, 2009
1 min read

Outgoing AAO president addresses need for 'family' in ophthalmology

SAN FRANCISCO — It is crucial for ophthalmologists to work together like a family, both with colleagues and the community at large, according to the outgoing president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Michael W. Brennan, MD
Michael W. Brennan

In his address here at the opening session at the joint meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, Michael W. Brennan, MD, emphasized the concept and structure of family.

"How will we remain professionally viable and virtuous in the face of health care reform, electronic medical records and optometric surgical expansion?" Dr. Brennan asked. "I encourage us to remember the principles of family relations. Families foster succession and progression."

In order to enhance accessibility and accountability, Dr. Brennan urged experienced ophthalmologists to mentor their younger colleagues and to educate nurses, technicians and administrators. In addition, he advised commending executives — an act, he said, that will empower them to better represent the interests of both doctor and patient.

Dr. Brennan also encouraged physicians to reach across the subspecialty divide and to form alliances with international colleagues through collaboration and innovation.

"Families embrace relatives," he said. "Families serve together."