October 27, 2011
1 min read

Ophthalmologists fight optometric scope-of-practice initiatives

ORLANDO, Fla. — Ophthalmologists continue to stand united in efforts to thwart expansion of optometry's scope of practice in the U.S., a speaker said here.

"I am happy to report that in 2011, the [American] Academy [of Ophthalmology] worked closely with state societies to defeat surgical scope expansion in optometry in six states. Subspecialty societies also provided very good support," Gregory L. Skuta, MD, said during Glaucoma Subspecialty Day preceding the American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting.

The AAO's Secretariat for State Affairs and various state societies have spearheaded lobbying efforts to remove surgical provisions from scope-of-practice bills in states including Idaho, Maine, Texas and West Virginia, Dr. Skuta said.

In March, the Kentucky legislature passed a bill that expands optometric scope of practice to include some injections and minor extraocular surgical procedures. The law also allows the creation of an independent optometric board with sole jurisdiction over scope of practice in Kentucky.

"What happened this year in Kentucky should be a wake-up call for all of us," Dr. Skuta said.

The AAO's Surgical Scope fund is devoted to defeating statewide efforts to widen the optometric scope of practice. OphthPAC, the AAO's political action committee, has been organizing ophthalmology's advocacy on Capitol Hill for 25 years.

Dr. Skuta suggested that ophthalmologists forge strong personal relationships with state legislators and other key decision makers. Ophthalmologists should also work closely with their colleagues, state societies and other advocates, he said.

Disclosure: Dr. Skuta is a consultant for Alcon and a contributor to OPHTHPAC.