One-piece plate-haptic IOL shows accommodative effect
SAN DIEGO, Calif A one-piece plate-haptic monofocal IOL demonstrated successful accommodation in a number of patients, according to a surgeon speaking here.
The STAAR Surgical plate-haptic IOL is not designed to be or marketed as an accommodative lens, but the lens showed accommodation that was not statistically different from results reported for an IOL recently approved as an accommodative IOL, according to Liviu Saimovici, MD, of New York. He presented these findings here at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery meeting.
Dr. Saimovici said 24 eyes implanted with the STAAR Surgical lens were examined for near vision with their best distance correction in place. He found that 25% of the eyes demonstrated near vision of 20/30 or better, and 83% of patients had near vision of 20/40 or better with distance correction in place.
Dr. Saimovici said that in four patients who received bilateral implantation, 100% had distance-corrected near acuity of 20/40 or better when tested bilaterally.