No advantage for low-molecular weight heparin in reducing postop inflammation in pediatric cataracts
SAN FRANCISCO Despite previous suggestion to the contrary, the addition of low-molecular weight heparin to balanced salt solution during pediatric cataract surgery does not influence postoperative inflammation.
In a study, 20 patients were randomly assigned to receive balanced salt solution infused with enoxaparin, and 20 patients received no treatment. An AcrySof IOL (Alcon) was implanted in all patient eyes.
"At 1 month and 3 months, we did not find any inflammatory cells in any eyes in either group," Viraj A. Vasavada, MS, said at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery meeting here.
At 1 month, all eyes in the enoxaparin group and 57.1% of eyes in the non-treatment group had small cell deposits; 20% of eyes in the treatment group and none in the non-treatment group had posterior synechiae.
This was the first prospective, masked, randomized, controlled clinical trial looking at the effect of low-molecular weight heparin on inflammation in pediatric cataract, Ms. Vasavada said. A research grant for the study was provided by the ASCRS Foundation and the Howard Lieberman, MD, Foundation.