Issue: March 2012
February 06, 2012
1 min read

New-generation dual-optic IOL performs better at near

Issue: March 2012
Eduardo Marques, MD
Eduardo Marques

PRAGUE — Preliminary results of 19 eyes of 10 patients implanted with the new-generation Synchrony dual-optic IOL show enhanced near vision capabilities, according to a surgeon here.

"I have been working with the previous generation of the dual-optic IOL for a number of years, and this has made me and my patients very happy. We have achieved very good distance and intermediate visual acuity and a near acuity that allowed a nice level of spectacle independence," Eduardo Marques, MD, said at the winter meeting of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons.

In the new model of the Synchrony (Abbott Medical Optics), the principle is the same: It changes its shape with contraction and relaxation of the ciliary body in order to mimic the natural lens and provide focus for both distance and near. But near vision is enhanced by a different anterior optic with an aspheric curvature designed to increase depth of focus.

Six-month results at distance and intermediate were excellent, with all patient achieving 20/25 or better. Monocular near visual acuity in more than 90% of the eyes was 20/40 or better.

"We are looking forward to a longer follow-up and binocular results," Dr. Marques said.

Contrast sensitivity testing showed that the lens does not change quality of vision. No complications related to the IOL were reported.

  • Disclosure: Dr. Marques is a consultant for AMO.