November 10, 2008
1 min read

New AAO president urges service to community, involvement in public policy, advocacy

ATLANTA — Service to community and advocacy are physicians' most compelling responsibilities, the president-elect of the American Academy of Ophthalmology said at the annual meeting.

AAO President-elect Michael W. Brennan, MD, urged attendees to become more involved in their communities
AAO President-elect Michael W. Brennan, MD, urged attendees to become more involved in their communities.
Image: Altersitz K, OSN

During the opening ceremony of the AAO meeting, Michael W. Brennan, MD, urged fellow ophthalmologists to contribute selflessly to their communities, as physicians and citizens.

"Whether you read to a needy child, pound nails for Habitat for Humanity or volunteer to fly abroad, all of us need to reach deep into our reservoir of time and talent, giving without recompense. Service before self is the first professional responsibility," Dr. Brennan said.

Ophthalmologists also need to be aware of public policies that affect health care, and be engaged in advocacy efforts, Dr. Brennan said.

"Your personal, political advocacy is necessary to influence top policy decision makers, a second professional responsibility," he said.

Dr. Brennan cited Team of Rivals, a book about President Abraham Lincoln's ability to reach consensus and make policy decisions in collaboration with political rivals. President Lincoln's approach should be a model for collaboration in today's ophthalmic world, Dr. Brennan said.

"On all fronts, there are rivals," he said. "Even within our family of ophthalmology, there are contrasting interests: comprehensive vs. sub-specialty, academic vs. private practice."