October 23, 2002
1 min read

Multifocal IOL 'superior' to monofocal, initial study says

ORLANDO, Fla. — A new multifocal IOL provides near visual acuity superior to a monofocal IOL without sacrificing distance vision, according to a speaker here.

Initial results of a clinical trial of the Alcon MA60D3 were presented here at the Alcon booth by Robert Lehmann, MD.

Early results of an ongoing U.S. study comparing Alcon’s MA60D3 to its MA60BM IOL show that with bilateral implantation there was no statistical difference between the multifocal or monofocal lens. Three hundred patients were implanted with the MA60D3 and 200 patients were implanted with the AcrySof MA60BM monofocal lens. Dr. Lehmann said analysis is ongoing; the first multifocal lenses were implanted in Dec. 2001. To date, eyes with the MA60D3 have demonstrated no significant glare or halo, and none of the eyes have visual acuity problems in mesopic conditions.

During an audience question and answer period, Dr. Lehmann said at this point, he would recommend against implantation of the multifocal only in eyes with moderate degrees of astigmatism.