Most Ahmed valve patients need additional IOP control by 4 years postop
The Ahmed glaucoma valve can be safely used in eyes with uveitic glaucoma, although most patients will eventually require additional use of glaucoma medications to control IOP, according to a recent study.
Thekla G. Papadakia, MD, of Harvard Medical School, and colleagues reviewed records for 60 eyes of 60 patients who received the Ahmed valve for uveitic glaucoma.
At 1 year follow-up, 77% of patients experienced a 25% reduction in IOP to 21 mm Hg or lower, which was the study's definition of success, and 57% of these patients achieved success without serious complications, according to the study.
At 4 years, 50% of patients had achieved success, 39% of whom did so without serious complications. Also at 4 years, 74% of patients required glaucoma medications to control IOP, the authors reported.
The study is published in the July issue of American Journal of Ophthalmology.