January 12, 2005
1 min read

Modified scleral-fixation IOL technique as effective as conventional technique

A modified technique for scleral fixation of an IOL was as safe and effective as conventional techniques, according to a retrospective study. Researchers in Hong Kong said the advantages of their modified technique include easy intraoperative suture management and superior globe maintenance.

A.L. Young and colleagues at The Chinese University of Hong Kong reviewed the outcomes in 20 eyes of patients who underwent scleral-fixated IOL procedures for aphakic correction at their tertiary referral facility over a 2-year period. Twelve of the eyes underwent a traditional scleral-fixation technique and eight had the authors’ modified scleral-fixation technique. The modified technique includes a scleral tunnel for IOL insertion, horizontal passage of sutures and performance of anterior vitrectomy through self-sealing pars plana sclerostomies, the authors said. Mean follow-up was 18.3 months.

All eyes improved from their preoperative visual acuities. All eyes had stable, well-positioned IOLs. Of the eight eyes that underwent the modified procedure, seven maintained or improved their best-corrected visual acuity, the authors reported.

The study is published in the January issue of Eye.