March 23, 2004
1 min read

mfPERG may help determine chloroquine-induced ocular toxicity

The reduction of pattern electroretinogram and central multifocal pattern electroretinogram responses in chloroquine maculopathy may assist in early detection of retinal toxicity, according to a German study.

Aljoscha S. Neubauer, MD, and colleagues at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich reported their results with the tests in 10 patients who had been on long-term chloroquine treatment. The patients underwent ocular examinations to determine whether toxicity was present. If toxicity was suspected, patients underwent multifocal pattern electroretinogram (mfPERG) and conventional pattern electroretinogram (PERG) testing.

Of the 10 patients, two showed choroquine-associated maculopathy. The amplitudes of the PERG and central responses of the mfPERG were markedly reduced in chloroquine maculopathy, while latencies were unchanged, the authors reported in the February issue of Ophthalmic Research. The peripheral rings of the mfPERG were not affected by chloroquine toxicity, they said.