Laser technology may be safe alternative to cataract surgery
According to an article published in the April issue of Ophthalmology, a prospective clinical evaluation of 1,000 consecutive laser cataract procedures was conducted using the Dodick photolysis Nd:YAG system. The system was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2000, whereby a probe is inserted through a small incision and a laser-generated shock dissolves the cataract tissue. The tissue is suctioned out through the probe. The study's authors concluded the laser treatment may be a safe and effective alternative to conventional cataract therapy. Minor complications were encountered in 18 cases, but overall, results included visual acuity improvement from 20/70 to 20/24.4. The authors conclude that by use of small clear cornea incisions, the ability to perform cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation with incisions less than 2 mm has been shown for the first time. For details about the study, visit