July 28, 2003
1 min read

Larger LASIK treatment zone may avoid night vision problems: study

Best corrected visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were not adversely affected in patients with large pupil diameters in a study using variable LASIK treatment zones.

Brian Boxer Wachler, MD, and colleagues reviewed the charts of 352 eyes of 186 patients who underwent LASIK for spherical and astigmatic myopia. All patients were treated with the Alcon LADARVision excimer laser. Preoperative and 3-month postoperative visual acuity and contrast sensitivity, as well as target deviation, were assessed in each eye.

For spherical myopes, uncorrected visual acuity was 20/20 or better in 55.7% of eyes, with 75.3% within 0.5 D of target. Three or more levels of contrast sensitivity were lost in 2.7% of eyes, with a loss of four or more in 1.1%. In eyes with both myopia and astigmatism, uncorrected visual acuity was 20/20 or better in 61.9% of eyes, and 67.5% were within 0.5 D. A loss of three or more levels of contrast sensitivity was seen in 4.3% of eyes, and a loss of four or more levels in 1.2%.

The study is published in Ophthalmology.